Live Streaming of IFLA WLIC 2018
With an expanded offer since our first ever WLIC live streaming in 2017, the IFLA’s World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) will be live streamed this year too!
Once again, we will be giving live online access to the larger and most popular sessions of the Congress, allowing you to get the latest updates of key initiatives that IFLA is undertaking in the effort of achieving a stronger and globally united library field.
For those who can’t make it to the Congress, and for those attending but with a busy schedule, this year you will be able to watch online a selection of key WLIC 2018 sessions organised by IFLA’s Professional Units, live or on demand. A truly learning and development opportunity, you will get the chance to learn more about major challenges faced by the library and information profession, directly from the experts.
Follow IFLA WLIC on social media and this website for further live stream announcements and details. Connect with us and join us from wherever you are!