Call for Papers — Open Sessions
Preservation and Conservation Section joint with the News Media Section
- 17 January 2018, 15:16
Theme: "Planning for newsprint, now and into the future for paper media"
[Deadline extended to: 30 April 2018]
Newspapers have for hundreds of years been the means that informs the public what is happening in the world both near and far. Newspapers in print held the information and for historians were used to document as a primary source what was happening in earlier times. Today while some countries have moved to digital news media, in other areas of the world, including India and much of Asia, newspapers in print format have continued to grow in number and circulation. Preserving the paper copies has added complexity in humid tropical climates. This combined session of the News Media and the Preservation and Conservation Sections will focus on the conservation/preservation issues to assure the longevity of these valuable current and historic documents in tropical climates. The issues of pest control, climate and housing storage including, especially low cost actions and protections for these collections are invited topics
In this open session, we are soliciting papers that will showcase research and utilize real-world examples to address the complexities of news print preservation to share experiences and best practices regarding, but not limited to, the following topics:
- What is the best storage for newspapers in tropical climates?
- How do institutions avoid pest damage to papers? How do you avoid damage?
- How do you provide pest management using green technology
- What is the best conservation of newspapers?
- What is the best climate for newsprint? Temperature/humidity/light? How can you achieve that with green technology
- How does the newspaper format, that is the size of the publication impact the storage issues?
Submission Guidelines
Proposal for the Open Session must be submitted by 16 February 2018 the extended deadline of 30 April 2018 and should clearly include:
- Title of the proposed presentation,
- Abstract of proposed paper, no more than 500 words, in English,
- Curriculum vitae of the author(s),
- Contact details and professional affiliation(s).
Selection of papers is based on the abstract, and presenters will be notified whether they have been successful by 11 May 2018.
The abstracts will be reviewed by Programme Committee members of Preservation and Conservation Section and News Media Section.
- The full paper is due by 11 June 2018 and must be an original submission not presented or published elsewhere.
- Both abstracts and full papers should be submitted as a MS Word file by e-mail. Fax or post should be used only as a last resort.
- Papers should be no more than 3000-6000 words, single spaced in Times New Roman 12 point.
- The author(s) should include their full contact details and brief biographical notes.
- Final papers should be written in any of IFLA’s official languages, although the abstract should be in English.
- The subject line of all submissions should be “IFLA_PCNM_“ followed by your last name. For example, “IFLA_PCNM_Last-name”.
Please email your abstract to:
Ms Terri Sierra
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms Jeanne Drewes
Email: [email protected].
Presentation at the Conference
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allowed for the presentation of each paper during the joint session; the full written paper is not to be read. It is strongly recommended that the presentation is supported by a visual element such as a short video clip or PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software.
Important dates:
- 30 April 2018 – All proposals must be received;
- 11 May 2018 – Successful candidates will be notified;
- 11 June 2018 – Full paper and author permission form due.
Please note
At least one of the paper’s authors must be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the program in Malaysia. Abstracts should only be submitted with the understanding that the expenses of attending the conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/ presenter(s) of accepted papers.
All papers that are presented at the WLIC 2018 will be made available online via the IFLA Library under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Authors of accepted papers must complete the IFLA Authors’ Permission Form.
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation letter can be issued to authors.